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    An accelerated program for experts and entrepreneurs like yourself who want to MASTER how to pitch and SECURE corporate clients, corporate sponsorships and licensing opportunities using your current expertise, experience and assets.

  • Do you dream of working with billion-budgeted corporations, securing high-paying corporate clients, licensing deals and brand sponsorships?

    If you answer YES to one of these questions, this may be for you:

    • Are you currently an expert in your industry with proven results for your clients and want to start working with corporate clients?
    • Do you want to learn how to use your current skills, expertise and gifts to serve corporations, organizations or schools?
    • Do you have a rolodex of trainings, online courses and masterclasses just waiting to be licensed to corporations with big budgets?
    • Are you ready to finally start getting paid more for your expertise with one corporate client vs. chasing after multiple individual clients?
    • Are you sending emails to decision-makers at companies and brand but hearing crickets after (no response)?


  • THE CORPORATE CLIENTS COLLECTIVE is an intensive accelerated program for

    experts, coaches, consultants and professionals who want to MASTER how to leverage their expertise, experience or community, sell to corporations and secure high-paying corporate clients or corporate sponsorships.

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    We take a revolutionary and holistic approach to your journey of securing high-paying corporate clients, sponsorships, and licensing opportunities.


    What sets our program apart from the rest? The 360-Degree Format: Unlike most programs that focus on teaching you just one aspect of corporate success, we go above and beyond by offering a comprehensive 360-degree format.


    Our program covers Sponsorships, Consulting, and Licensing - all vital components of corporate triumph. Why settle for one when you can master them all?

    Unlock Your Full Potential: We believe you have what it takes to secure multiple revenue streams from corporations.


    By not knowing how to leverage all your assets and expertise, you're leaving money on the table. Let us show you how to maximize your potential with corporate and secure corporate contracts with either licensing opportunities, consulting and sponsorships.

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    Hey there

    I'm Adeola

    and I'm thrilled to be your go-to Business and Brand Strategist on this incredible journey to corporate triumph. My mission is simple - to empower experts, coaches, consultants, and professionals like you to achieve unprecedented success in the corporate world.

    Over the years, I've had the privilege of collaborating with numerous prestigious brands and corporations, both as a consultant and by securing valuable corporate sponsorships for our events. The impact of my work reaches far beyond traditional boundaries, with my curriculum now licensed to several esteemed schools across the United States.

    But it doesn't stop there. I've helped several clients achieve this same and been on a mission to help more experts just like you secure their first or next corporate client and forge powerful partnerships with multiple corporate entities.


    I know firsthand the challenges you face - the uncertainty of where to start, how to package your expertise, and how to connect with key decision-makers. But fear not, because I've cracked the code, and I'm ready to show you the way as I have with several of my clients.


    Through The Corporate Clients Collective, I'll personally guide you through each step, from mastering sponsorships, consulting, and licensing, to crafting high-converting pitches that leave decision-makers sign the dotted line.

    Together, we'll unlock the potential within you, ensuring you leave no money on the table. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to corporate triumph.

  • We understand that every expert, coach, consultant, and professional has unique needs and preferences when it comes to mastering the art of securing high-paying corporate clients, sponsorships, and licensing opportunities. That's why we offer two flexible program options to cater to your specific journey to corporate success:

  • CCC+ Accelerated Program

    In this immersive 5-month program, you'll work closely with me and my team through your corporate client acquisition journey.


    Here's what you can expect from this option:

    • Master Sponsorships, Consulting, and Licensing: Dive deep into the world of corporate sponsorships, consulting agreements, and licensing opportunities. We'll equip you with the skills and strategies needed to excel in these 3 lucrative areas.
    • Package Your Irresistible Corporate Offer: Have an expert help you package your expertise and services into a compelling corporate offer that captivates potential clients and partners and have them signing on the dotted line..
    • High-Converting Pitch Templates: Say goodbye to uncertainty! You'll gain access to our proven high-converting pitch templates, ensuring your pitches hit the mark every time.
    • Access to Corporate Contacts: Unlock a treasure trove of valuable and vetted corporate contacts and decision-makers. We'll provide you with access to decision-makers.

  • Pitch myself Rich (no-commitment) Monthly Program

    This is ideal for experts, coaches and consultants who already have their corporate offers and seeking flexibility and a bite-sized approach to our month-to-month subscription model where the focus is heavily on pitching your current programs, consulting services and curriculum.


    Here's what you'll receive in this option:

    • Monthly Access to 100 new vetted Corporate Contacts in your industry: Gain access to a fresh batch of 100 valuable corporate contacts each month. Expand your network and seize new opportunities with ease.
    • High-Converting Pitch Templates: Power up your pitch game with our high-converting pitch templates. Craft persuasive pitches that resonate with corporate decision-makers.
    • Resources, tools and scripts: Receive our highly-converting email templates, discovery call scripts, pricing model and resources needed to make your corporate client journey seamless.


  • More about the CCC+ Accelerated Program

    Let me teach you how to master the art of pitching and securing your 1st or next Corporate Client or Brand Partnership using my step-by-step FRAMEWORK that I've used for myself and my clients so that you can

    drastically increase your income while working with less clients, make more impact and increase your brand's credibility by leveraging strategic partnerships.


    Expertise and Thought-Leadership Personal and Company Brand

    This module will teach you how to build an expertise and thought-leader brand to attract corporate clients and partners.



    Expertise and Experience Partnership audit

    In this module, we will audit your curent skillset, expertise and assets to create the perfect corporate offer and partnership.



    Create your proprietary signature framework

    In this module we will create your very own proprietary signature framework using your current intellectual property that can be sold or licensed to corporations or schools.



    THE 3C SCL Model:

    Corporate Sponsorships

    Corporate Consulting

    Corporate Licensing

    In this module, we will focus on creating a 360° Model of securing corporate contracts via the 3C SCL Model (Sponsorships, Consulting and Licensing).






    This module will teach you how to price and negotiate your corporate contracts.





    Post-Activation and Deliverables

    You've received your 1st or next corporate client contract, now what? This module will teach you how to leverage this opportunity to create longer and more corporate clients and partnerships.






    Vetted corporate contacts in various industries

    Email templates

    Pitch Deck templates

    Sales systems




  • Connect with me online.

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