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    I teach women & entrepren​eurs

    how to go from a cluster of brilliant ideas to building a profitable brand that stands out and attracts their dream clients, partners and media.

  • Stop being a best-kept secret. You know you have the gift, message and an amazing product or service that can make a HUGE IMPACT and make a whole lot of money BUT the lack of clarity, implementation and not being known by 'the right people' is keeping you stuck.

    If this is you, Let's work together.

    I'll teach you how to go from an idea to being able to clearly articulate your value, build a profitable brand and attract your dream clients and partners.

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    I'm Adeola


    I'll teach you how to embrace what makes you and your brand unique, clearly articulate your brand's value proposition and save you the headache of not attracting your dream clients or profitable opportunities.



    Why can I do this?

    Because I teach from my several years of experience of building brands from ground zero and my track record of helping other impactful brands and entrepreneurs get unstuck and stand out.


    I know what it's like to be very gifted, creative and yet be the best-kept secret.


    I know what it's like to spend endless months and years hoping to one day be discovered by just the right type of clients, partners and opportunities.


    Unfortunately being the best-kept secret HURTS your vision, pocket and the people you're called to serve.


    I'll show you exactly how to build a profitable brand that attracts your dream clients, partners and amazing opportunities with my simple yet very effective framework.

  • Work with me

    Entrepreneurs, Visionaries and Experts hire me to help them build a PROFITABLE brand so they can


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    VIP Day Strategy Session

    Work with me one-on-one during a 6 hr Intensive VIP Strategy Day:

    Choose between:

    • Business and Brand Strategy VIP Day:
    • Partnership and Sponsorship VIP Day
    • TV Media Pitch VIP Day
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    This course is for entrepreneurs, experts and thought-leaders who want to MASTER how to pitch themselves to media and secure their 1st TV segment without a PR budget so they can establish their brand/expert authority, increase their credibility and visibility.


    If you want a Step-by Step framework to create an irresistible segment pitch to get a YES from producers without going through so many gatekeepers...this is a perfect course for you.

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    Clarity Phone Session

    This 90 min session is for you if:

    This 90-min clarity call is for you if you need clarity on any of the following:

    a) Clarity on your business brand and model.
    b) How to Identify and articulate your Unique value proposition so you can attract your dream clients and partners.
    c) Your business is in the early/growing stage and you need clarity on how to scale.
    d) Have specific questions about your business branding and marketing.
    e) A 'pick my brain' session on a specific area of your business.
    This call/session is done via call/zoom

  • See what some Clients or Students are saying.

    Attended a 'Brand like a Pro' workshop Adeola facilitated and she was very professional and knowledgeable. She was authentic and gave practical information I was able to implement right away in my business. I can't wait to work with her one-on-one - Marina, Kummuicate, Inc.

    Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Registered Yoga Instructor.

    Adeola led me to purpose. I had just quit my job at

    a law firm and wanted to explore my interest in the culinary arts when I saw her program.


    In five weeks, Adeola’s program and mentorship gave me the confidence, structure and strategy to move from career confusion to business momentum. I started my own juicing and health coaching business doing work that LOVE, and also pays the bills. Even after the program, Adeola continued following up on my work. I no longer find

    executing and monetizing my other ideas as daunting because I now have the support and resources I need to continue growing. I one hundred percent recommend this program to anyone in the same boat that I was. Thank you, Adeola!!



    Attorney, Founder of a global children's book subscription box.

    I have so much to say about Adeola Ariyo Enikanoselu. I'm in the process of launching a business that I am so passionate about; hiring Deola has my business strategist is probably one of the smartest things I have done so far. Her attention to detail, her brilliant strategic mind, her positive energy (this lady oozes and breathes possibility and positivity), and the way she fully invested herself in my dream is nothing short of amazing.

    You have an opportunity, for what she has announced is a limited time, to connect with her one on one to strategize about your business/projects.

    If I were you, I'd take her up on this offer.


    - CEO/Founder, Atlas Kids Book Club.

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    Need some tips on growing your brand?

    Join my newsletter and receive practical tips on growing your business.

  • Connect with me online.

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  • Girls/Women

    Adeola's youth, girls and women organizations.

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    A non-profit organization in the DC metro area that serves as a mentoring and leadership program for middle and high-school aged girls. Click here to learn more.

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    A professional and lifestyle platform for multicultural women ages 35+ who want to reinvent themselves and thrive in business and life.

    We provide the community, network and resources to reignite forgotten dreams, launch and grow successful businesses and careers and thrive in health and wealth. To learn more, visit here.