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    Build a Profitable Personal Brand , create your signature offer from your knowledge and expertise, be positioned and paid as the expert you are in your industry and attract premium clients and opportunities with ease.

  • You are already great at what you do, you know you are meant to impact and influence lives. It's time you stop being the best kept-secret, impact the world with your brilliance and get paid as the expert and thought-leader you are.

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     Experts, coaches and service providers who want to MASTER how to build a profitable and magnetic personal brand from their current expertise, create and sell their signature offer, attract premium clients and be seen as a thought-leader and subject matter expert in your niche/industry

    so they can STAND OUT from the crowd, increase their income, impact and influence.

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    Profitable Personal Brand Accelerator is an intensive 90-day no fluff hands-on program that uses a proven step by step framework to teach experts and entrepreneurs how to create a profitable and magnetic personal brand, package their expertise and knowledge into a premium signature offer, be positioned, seen and paid as the expert in their industry.

  • What a few clients are saying

    Bunmi, Atlas Book Club

    Successfully launched her business after our VIP Day and business/brand has grown tremendously with hundreds of monthly subscribers.



    Coach Coco, Health and Wellness Coach and Expert

    Worked with her on adding corporate sponsorships and partnerships as a source of income to her new business model

    Alicia, Sapphire Company

    Helped her identify a new stream of income within her current business model and how to position yourself as the expert in her industry.

  • Does this sound like you?

    You’re a good fit for this program if:


    • You’re incredible at what you do but you're not positioned and paid as one.

    • You are an expert or entrepreneur and want to turn your knowledge and expertise into a premium signature offer, service-based business or community-based program.

    • You’re an entrepreneur and ready to increase your income, visibility and influence

    • You want to learn how to merge  and build both your Personal + Business Brand 

    • You sometimes feel like you are a ‘best kept secret’ because your ideal clients do not know who you are and you have little or no digital footprint.

    • You have an amazing product or service that gets results and can impact thousands of people.

    • You are sometimes overlooked for opportunities and offered ‘free’ or ‘exposure’ as an incentive because your competitors are seen as more of an ‘expert’ than you. 

    • You are able and ready NOW to invest in a program that will help you build a profitable brand, make bigger impact and increase your income.

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    The PPB program will help and teach you how to :


    • Build a magnetic and profitable Personal Brand that attracts your dream clients.

    • Package your expertise and years of experience into an irresistible premium signature program

    • Identify, Define and Articulate your own unique brand messaging that stands out in the marketplace and gives you a unique positioning advantage.

    • Design and Launch your proprietary signature program that pays you and positions you as the subject matter expert in your industry.

    • Marketing that attracts and converts your ideal clients into paying clients

    • Create your Media and Digital assets that attracts media and speaking opportunities.

    • Create your simple and evergreen funnel using our proven system to attract, convert and retain your premium clients

    Also includes:
    Email templates
    Worksheet templates
    Offer Page
    Social media promo templates
    Pitch scripts



  • See what some Clients or Students are saying.

    Attended a 'Brand like a Pro' workshop Adeola facilitated and she was very professional and knowledgeable. She was authentic and gave practical information I was able to implement right away in my business. I can't wait to work with her one-on-one -

    Marina, Kummuicate, Inc.

    Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Registered Yoga Instructor.

    Adeola led me to purpose. I had just quit my job at
    a law firm and wanted to explore my interest in the culinary arts when I saw her program.
    In five weeks, Adeola’s program and mentorship gave me the confidence, structure and strategy to move from career confusion to business momentum. I started my own juicing and health coaching business doing work that LOVE, and also pays the bills. Even after the program, Adeola continued following up on my work. I no longer find
    executing and monetizing my other ideas as daunting because I now have the support and resources I need to continue growing. I one hundred percent recommend this program to anyone in the same boat that I was. Thank you, Adeola!!

    Attorney, Founder of a global children's book subscription box.

    I have so much to say about Adeola Ariyo Enikanoselu. I'm in the process of launching a business that I am so passionate about; hiring Deola has my business strategist is probably one of the smartest things I have done so far. Her attention to detail, her brilliant strategic mind, her positive energy (this lady oozes and breathes possibility and positivity), and the way she fully invested herself in my dream is nothing short of amazing.
    You have an opportunity, for what she has announced is a limited time, to connect with her one on one to strategize about your business/projects.
    If I were you, I'd take her up on this offer.
    - CEO/Founder, Atlas Kids Book Club.


    Attended a 'Brand like a Pro' workshop Adeola facilitated and she was very professional and knowledgeable. She was authentic and gave practical information I was able to implement right away in my business. I can't wait to work with her one-on-one -
    Marina, Kummuicate, Inc.
  • Connect with me online.

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